Generative Wallpaper

While at Google Design, I collaborated with Nejc from Twisted Poly to explore a few far-out concepts for the Android OS. The visuals you will see below are from the research and development phase of these ideas.

We begin with a concept of a generative wallpaper for Google’s Pixel phone. We explored the idea of users choosing a seed for their phone, which would grow over time and take on unique characteristics to each and every device, such as color, shape, movement and so on. Gradually each plant would adapt based on the user’s location, weather, habits and personal taste.

Visuals by Twisted Poly. Sound Design and Music by Zelig Sound.

The experiments below were additional explorations around the topics of security, time management, and communication. We took interest in translating what are almost certainly dry topics into alluring and curious visualizations.


Re-Imagined Material X WesCream


Generative Brand Expressions